Have you ever caught yourself doing something you do not enjoy, yet you've been doing it daily? This can be something as minor as using the same toothpaste your mother made you use in childhood, to something as major as your life work. Sometimes we get good at something, only to discover our skill isn't something that brings us fulfillment. Yet to ask the question, "Should I change?" seems not to occur to us because the perceived risk of change is too great. Fear of the unknown is paralyzing, so we stick with the familiar because we have learned to tolerate it. Or maybe we don't want to waste what it took to "get there." This could be anything from money and time required to train and educate ourselves in our field of work, or perhaps there are people who have come to count on your productivity and you don't want to abandon them. So we forsake ourselves and we hide out in the familiar of our routines. How do you know if this is what you've been doing?