When we grieve, we go through periods of despair and doubt. We doubt our ability to cope with the painful feelings. We despair in our fear that we'll forever feel the intensity of grief's emotions. We feel alone in our pain. Sometimes when you are fresh out of coping tools, it's time to ask for it - encouragement.
Don't hesitate or analyze why you shouldn't "bother" someone about this. Call a friend, pastor, or counselor and ask for encouragement. Express your need to hear some right now. Encourage means to inspire with courage and hope. Ask for anything they know in general or have observed in you, that might help you be reminded that you can make it through this.
No person has perfect words to share with you. But just the connection and effort can bring you a few notches of comfort. You won't go from despair to great joy. You may, however, move a notch or two away from despair. You may feel less alone or simply appreciative of the person who cares about you enough to try and help. As difficult as it is to ask for help, fit it into your journey. Encouragement is a powerful healer and it requires occasional teamwork for some legs of the trip.