Change is defined as "to make or become different." How such a small word and simple definition can capture the multitude of adjustments, thoughts, and emotions that accompany it, boarders on mind-boggling!
Changes occur in every aspect of our lives, including our work, family, and social circumstances. It may have been unexpected, coming out of the blue. Or it may arise from a decision you purposefully and thoughtfully made. Either way, it requires adjusting from how things used to be to how they now are.
Change takes us into the experience of transition, requiring us to navigate movements that may contain uncertainty and a feeling of imbalance. What are some of the best ways to weather changes and transition?
- Make a conscious, even written list of circumstances that will be altered as a result of the change.
- Note what aspects of the change may bring about positive experiences.
- Acknowledge losses and difficult emotions, then set goals for how you want to progress through them as you do your best to manage difficulties.
- Expect some surprises as a result of change and establish a mindset for adjusting to those as well. It’s impossible to be perfect in anticipating all the pieces of the change, so be mentally ready for any that crop up that you’d missed.
- Stay connected to trustworthy people who understand the situation and can be a sounding board for additional decisions you’re facing. Ask them to listen openly when you simply need to vent frustrations.
The range of change is far-reaching. The better we become at knowing how to be at “home on the range,” the better we’ll feel as we navigate all its unfamiliar, yet often beautiful paths.